Private School Tax Credits Save the State of Arizona Millions of Dollars
January 13, 20202019 Tax Credit Deadline Still April 15th, 2020
March 24, 2020
As our nation pulls together to tackle Covid-19, IBE will be doing our part to keep our employees and community safe. Our office will be closed to the public starting Tuesday, March 17th. Rest assured, IBE is still open for business as usual. You may reach us at our regular business number, 520-512-5438 from 8am-4pm M-F. If we are experiencing a high volume of calls, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You may also email us at or take advantage of our chat feature through our website at On our website, you will also have access to general information and are able to make a donation on our easier-than-ever donation page. If you are registered on our website, you have access to your tax credit receipts, as well. Our goal is to continue to serve our donors, schools, and families with the best customer service possible and we ask for your patience as we navigate this difficult time together.